Advertisers and Brands

How can we help you grow your business?

MediaScalers specializes in connecting you with your ideal audience. With our expert account managers and advanced CPA and CPL strategies, we tailor our approach to meet your unique needs, ensuring targeted engagement for your online campaigns.

Our commitment to quality is unmatched, leveraging cutting-edge monitoring to deliver high-quality traffic from our trusted publishers and affiliates.

At MediaScalers, we go beyond mere numbers to deliver long-term, valuable customers. It's all about quality with us, ensuring your efforts translate into meaningful results.

We provide Advertisers and Brands with:

  • Traffic tailored to meet your needs
  • High-quality traffic - compliant with all traffic restrictions
  • Vetted Affiliates and Publishers
  • Cutting edge fraud detection and prevention
  • State of the Art traffic monitoring & proactive communication
  • Dedicated Account Managers and support team

Why MediaScalers?

We have over 25 years of experience in Affiliate Marketing, Lead Generation, Product Development, Sales & Fulfillment, Data Management and Media Buying. We know what is important to you, and how to help you succeed.

Vetted Affiliates

Our extensive vetting process for traffic partners ensures your offers are expertly handled by carefully chosen partners from the internet marketing community.

Quality Traffic

Our carefully chosen traffic partners provide high-intent, top-quality leads and customers on a performance basis, ensuring maximum effectiveness and value.

Compliant Traffic

Our rigorous monitoring ensures all traffic complies fully with your Brand Usage Policies, safeguarding your brand and product name guidelines.

VIP Treatment

Whether you are a Superstar Affiliate or are just getting started, get what you need when you need it to maximize your business.

Personal Support

Your personal Account Manager and their team are always available. Easily reachable by Skype, Telegram or email.

Fraud Prevention

We utilize advanced in-house and third-party solutions to continuously monitor incoming traffic, ensuring it remains of the highest quality.

What offers do we run?

Almost anything you want.



  Careers & Jobs

Ecommerce & Shopping

  Gadgets & Devices

Health & Wellness

  Senior Care

Home Services

  Improvement & Services




  Legal and Claims

Lifestyle & Leisure

  Food & Cooking
  Holidays & Seasonal
  Online Services
  Surveys & Sweepstakes
  Travel & Vacations

Money & Finance

  Auto Finance
  Credit Cards
  Credit Score & Credit Repair
  Crypto & Bitcoin
  Debt Settlement
  Finance & Mortgage

Personal Services




Where do we serve offers?

Anywhere you want.


  • Angola  Angola
  • Egypt  Egypt
  • Libya  Libya
  • Malawi  Malawi
  • Nigeria  Nigeria
  • Seychelles  Seychelles
  • South+Africa  South Africa


  • Albania  Albania
  • Andorra  Andorra
  • Austria  Austria
  • Belarus  Belarus
  • Belgium  Belgium
  • Bosnia+and+Herzegovina  Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria  Bulgaria
  • Croatia  Croatia
  • Cyprus  Cyprus
  • Czechia  Czechia
  • Denmark  Denmark
  • Estonia  Estonia
  • Finland  Finland
  • France  France
  • Germany  Germany
  • Gibraltar  Gibraltar
  • Greece  Greece
  • Guernsey  Guernsey
  • Hungary  Hungary
  • Iceland  Iceland
  • Ireland  Ireland
  • Italy  Italy
  • Latvia  Latvia
  • Liechtenstein  Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania  Lithuania
  • Luxembourg  Luxembourg
  • Malta  Malta
  • Monaco  Monaco
  • Netherlands  Netherlands
  • Norway  Norway
  • Poland  Poland
  • Portugal  Portugal
  • Republic+of+North+Macedonia  Republic of North Macedonia
  • Romania  Romania
  • San+Marino  San Marino
  • Serbia  Serbia
  • Slovakia  Slovakia
  • Slovenia  Slovenia
  • Spain  Spain
  • Sweden  Sweden
  • Switzerland  Switzerland
  • Turkey  Turkey
  • Ukraine  Ukraine

Middle East

  • Afghanistan  Afghanistan
  • Bahrain  Bahrain
  • Iraq  Iraq
  • Israel  Israel
  • Jordan  Jordan
  • Kuwait  Kuwait
  • Lebanon  Lebanon
  • Oman  Oman
  • Pakistan  Pakistan
  • Qatar  Qatar
  • Saudi+Arabia  Saudi Arabia
  • Turkmenistan  Turkmenistan
  • United+Arab+Emirates  United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen  Yemen

North America

  • Canada  Canada
  • Greenland  Greenland
  • United+States+of+America  United States of America

North Asia

  • Kazakhstan  Kazakhstan
  • Russia  Russia


  • American+Samoa  American Samoa
  • Australia  Australia
  • Cook+Islands  Cook Islands
  • Fiji  Fiji
  • Guam  Guam
  • Indonesia  Indonesia
  • Malaysia  Malaysia
  • New+Caledonia  New Caledonia
  • New+Zealand  New Zealand
  • Papua+New+Guinea  Papua New Guinea
  • Timor%2DLeste  Timor-Leste

South America

  • Anguilla  Anguilla
  • Antigua+and+Barbuda  Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina  Argentina
  • Aruba  Aruba
  • Bahamas  Bahamas
  • Barbados  Barbados
  • Belize  Belize
  • Bermuda  Bermuda
  • Bolivia  Bolivia
  • Brazil  Brazil
  • Cayman+Islands  Cayman Islands
  • Chile  Chile
  • Colombia  Colombia
  • Costa+Rica  Costa Rica
  • Dominica  Dominica
  • Dominican+Republic  Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador  Ecuador
  • El+Salvador  El Salvador
  • Falkland+Islands+%5BMalvinas%5D  Falkland Islands [Malvinas]
  • French+Guiana  French Guiana
  • Grenada  Grenada
  • Guatemala  Guatemala
  • Guyana  Guyana
  • Honduras  Honduras
  • Jamaica  Jamaica
  • Mexico  Mexico
  • Nicaragua  Nicaragua
  • Panama  Panama
  • Paraguay  Paraguay
  • Peru  Peru
  • Puerto+Rico  Puerto Rico
  • Saint+Kitts+and+Nevis  Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint+Lucia  Saint Lucia
  • Suriname  Suriname
  • Turks+and+Caicos+Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Uruguay  Uruguay
  • Venezuela  Venezuela
  • Virgin+Islands+%28British%29  Virgin Islands (British)
  • Virgin+Islands+%28U%2ES%2E%29  Virgin Islands (U.S.)

South Asia

  • Armenia  Armenia
  • Bangladesh  Bangladesh
  • Bhutan  Bhutan
  • Brunei+Darussalam  Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia  Cambodia
  • China  China
  • Georgia  Georgia
  • Hong+Kong  Hong Kong
  • India  India
  • Japan  Japan
  • Laos  Laos
  • Macao  Macao
  • Myanmar  Myanmar
  • Nepal  Nepal
  • Philippines  Philippines
  • Singapore  Singapore
  • South+Korea  South Korea
  • Taiwan  Taiwan
  • Thailand  Thailand
  • Viet+Nam  Viet Nam