Affiliate Offers by Traffic

We accept nearly any Traffic Types, depending on the offer. If you find something you like, and it doesnt show a Traffic Type you need, reach out to your Account Manager and see if it may be allowed.

DSP / Programatic

DSP (Demand Side Platform) and programmatic advertising are powerful tools for affiliate marketers looking to automate and optimize their ad placements. By leveraging real-time bidding and targeting capabilities, you can reach your ideal audience acr ...

Native Platforms

Native advertising platforms seamlessly blend ads with content, making them less intrusive and more engaging. By promoting offers through native ads, you can achieve higher engagement and conversion rates. These ads appear as part of the user experie ...

Organic Content: SEO

Organic SEO traffic is a long-term strategy that drives free, targeted traffic to your site by optimizing content for search engines. By creating high-quality, keyword-rich content, you can attract consumers who are actively searching for the product ...

Organic Content: Social

Leveraging social media platforms organically is a cost-effective way to engage with a broad audience. By creating compelling, shareable content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can attract followers and drive traffic to your o ...

Organic Content: Video

Creating organic video content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok is an effective way to connect with your audience visually and emotionally. By producing informative and entertaining videos, you can drive traffic to your offers and build a strong ...

Paid: Bing Ads

Bing Ads offer a valuable alternative to Google Ads, allowing you to tap into a different segment of search engine users. By creating targeted pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, you can drive highly relevant traffic to your offers. Bing Ads typically hav ...

Paid: Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads provide precise targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, making it a powerful tool for affiliate marketers. By creating engaging ad campaigns, you can reach a vast audience and drive traffic to your offers. Face ...

Paid: Google Ads

Google Ads is a premier PPC platform that allows you to reach consumers actively searching for products and services related to your offers. By bidding on relevant keywords, you can drive highly targeted traffic to your site. Google Ads provides robu ...

Paid: Instagram

Instagram Ads, leveraging the visual appeal of the platform, are excellent for promoting visually-driven products and services. With options for photo, video, carousel, and story ads, you can create engaging content that captures users' attention. In ...

Paid: Pinterest

Pinterest Ads allow you to reach a highly engaged audience that actively seeks inspiration and ideas. By promoting pins, you can drive traffic to your offers from users who are in a discovery and planning mindset. Pinterest’s visual nature is perfect ...

Paid: TikTok

TikTok Ads enable you to tap into a rapidly growing and highly engaged user base. By creating short, engaging video ads, you can reach younger demographics and drive traffic to your offers. TikTok’s algorithm helps surface content to users based on t ...

Paid: YouTube

YouTube Ads offer a powerful way to reach consumers through video content. By promoting pre-roll ads, bumper ads, or sponsored content, you can capture the attention of viewers and drive traffic to your site. YouTube’s extensive reach and targeting o ...

Subscriber Data: Email

Email marketing remains a highly effective way to reach and engage with your audience. By building a subscriber list and sending targeted email campaigns, you can drive traffic to your offers and nurture leads. Personalized and segmented email conten ...

Subscriber Data: Push

Push notifications are a direct and immediate way to reach your audience with timely offers and updates. By leveraging push notification services, you can send targeted messages to users' devices, driving instant traffic to your offers. This method i ...

Subscriber Data: SMS / MMS

SMS and MMS marketing allows you to send concise, impactful messages directly to consumers’ mobile phones. By promoting offers through text messages, you can achieve high open and response rates. This method is ideal for reaching users on the go and ...

ѧ Other: Paid Ads

Other paid advertising channels, such as display ads, influencer marketing, and affiliate networks, offer additional avenues to promote your offers. By exploring these options, you can diversify your traffic sources and reach a broader audience. Each ...

ѧ Other: Social / Organic Content

Other social and organic content strategies include utilizing forums, online communities, and niche social platforms to engage with potential customers. By creating valuable content and participating in discussions, you can drive organic traffic to y ...