Offer Terminology

Below are terms that you will see in offer descriptions and should be aware of what they mean. Some are tracking and technical enhancements that some offers may support, others are restrictions that offers may not allow.

Offer Restrictions are very important in affiliate marketing. Violating the restrictions of an offer can result in conversions not counting, at best, and complete loss of the offer and all commission in certain cases. Restrictions are set by the advertiser and are generally not "soft" rules.

This document outlines some of the more important offer restrictions you may see on offers in our platform. While everyone may not agree on this terminology, it is what we use, and we want our affiliates to be on the same page.

Brand Bidding

Important: Many offers restrict the use of brand names, product names, and variations or misspellings of these in keyword bidding. These restrictions also apply to domain names, subdomains, social media groups, pages, and sometimes to website and landing page titles.

Offers with these restrictions are usually labeled as "No Brand Bidding" Please check the offer for specific details.

No Brand Bidding

  • No Brand Impersonation
  • No Brand Bidding – includes the Brand Name, Product Name and any variations and misspellings
  • No Brand/Product names with the domain of a website (ex: – includes the Brand Name, Product Name and any variations and misspellings
  • No Brand/Product names with the subdomain of a website (ex: - Brand Name, Product Name and any variations and misspellings
  • No Brand/Product names with name/title of any Social Media Page/Group – includes the Brand Name, Product Name and any variations and misspellings

Celebrity Endorsements

Unauthorized use of Celebrity names, images and likeness (NIL), Fake or False Celebrity ads or endorsements are strictly prohibited.

False Representations

Affiliates are prohibited from falsely representing themselves as the creators or owners of the product. This restriction applies to, but is not limited to, the creation of web pages, social media groups and accounts, or advertisements that imply ownership or authorship of the product.

Funnel Tracking / Events

Funnel Tacking is the ability to track multiple events through the customer's journey. This can be helpful to know how far your traffic is getting in the lead or sales process. When possible, offers will have multiple "events" that you can use to set additional postbacks that will fire at specific points in the customer's journey. Generally these are $0 events, but in certain cases may be an additional payable event.

Common Events

  • Base: This is generally the "payable" event, or Base Conversion. All offers have this.
  • Product Page: Fires when the customer has reached the product page.
  • Advertorial Page: Fires when the customer has reached an advertorial page.
  • Add to Cart: Fires when the customer has added an item to their cart.
  • Checkout: Fires when the customer gets to the checkout page.
  • Registration: Fires when the customer registers on the site (SOI), but has not reached a payable event. This is common with offers that have require a customer "Deposit" to convert. This may, or may not, be payable.
  • Deposit: Fires when the customer makes a deposit. This is commong with offers that pay on registration (SOI), so you know if your traffic is ever making any deposits. This may, or may not, be payable.

Landing Page Types

Some offers only have one landing page, while other have multiple landers. Below are the descriptions of each naming variation.

  • Advertorial: Page that looks more like an editorial or article than a standard sales lander
  • DTC: Direct to Checkout (commonly used by affiliates using pre-sell pages)
  • TSL: Text Sales Lander
  • VSL: Video Sales Lander

Negative Advertising

Important: Many offers strictly prohibit the use of negative or scare marketing tactics. Affiliates are not allowed to use negatively worded ads, landing pages, review pages, social media posts, or any other type of web content that appears in search results.

No Negative Advertising

  • Affiliates are expressly forbidden from using any negative terminology, including but not limited to words like "scam," "fraud," "warning," "danger," or "beware."
  • This rule applies universally, covering all languages and translations.
  • These restrictions extend to all forms of paid advertising, landing pages, review sites, social media platforms, and any web pages that could appear in organic search results.