Advertising and Promotions

This section covers the advertising and promotional strategies we reference in our affiliate marketing discussions. Are these the only methods? Likely not, but they are well-established and should align with what you’ve encountered in the industry.

Why introduce unnecessary complexity? We're keeping things straightforward. The affiliate marketing ecosystem is vast, with promotional strategies that can vary in effectiveness depending on numerous factors.

Our goal is to provide you with clear guidance on how MediaScalers approaches advertising and promotions. We're not claiming our methods are the only way, but we want to ensure you have a solid understanding of our approach so you can effectively leverage these strategies in your campaigns.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

A type of advertising where advertisers pay each time someone clicks on their ad.

Utilizing PPC advertising allows you to drive targeted traffic to your offers quickly, increasing the chances of conversions and boosting your affiliate income.

A graphic advertisement displayed on a website, typically in a rectangular shape.

Using banner ads helps you capture the attention of website visitors, directing them to your offers and potentially increasing your click-through rates and conversions.

Email Marketing

Promoting products or services through email campaigns sent to a targeted list of recipients.

Leveraging email marketing allows you to communicate directly with your audience, building relationships and driving repeat conversions, which can lead to higher lifetime value for your customers.

Viral Marketing

Strategies that encourage users to share content, making it spread quickly and widely.

Implementing viral marketing techniques can exponentially increase your reach and brand visibility, attracting more traffic to your offers and boosting your potential for earnings.

Influencer Marketing

Partnering with influencers to promote products or services to their followers.

Collaborating with influencers allows you to tap into their established audiences, which can lead to higher trust and conversion rates for your promoted products or services.

Native Advertising

Ads that blend in with the content of the website they appear on, making them look less like traditional ads.

Utilizing native advertising can improve user engagement by making your promotions feel more organic and relevant, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Contextual Advertising

Ads that are relevant to the content of the webpage they appear on.

Implementing contextual advertising ensures that your ads are shown to an audience that is already interested in related content, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.


An advertisement designed to look like editorial content, often providing valuable information to the reader.

Creating advertorials allows you to educate your audience while subtly promoting your offers, which can build trust and lead to more informed purchasing decisions.


Partnering with another brand to promote a product or service, often to reach a broader audience.

Engaging in co-branding partnerships can expand your reach and increase the credibility of your offers by associating with a complementary brand, leading to higher conversions.

Ad Copy

The text used in an advertisement, crafted to persuade the audience to take a specific action.

Crafting compelling ad copy is essential for convincing your audience to take action, which directly impacts your conversion rates and the success of your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Display Advertising

Ads that appear on websites, apps, or social media in various formats, including banners, videos, and pop-ups.

Utilizing display advertising allows you to reach your audience through visually engaging formats, which can increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your offers.

Content that is paid for by an advertiser but created to look like editorial content.

Using sponsored content can help you integrate your promotions seamlessly into your content strategy, making your offers more appealing and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Video Advertising

Promoting products or services through video content, often displayed on platforms like YouTube.

Leveraging video advertising allows you to engage your audience with dynamic and visual content, which can capture attention more effectively than static ads and lead to higher conversions.

A hyperlink within text that leads to an advertiser's website or landing page.

Using text link ads can be an unobtrusive way to promote offers within relevant content, providing a seamless experience for your audience and potentially increasing click-through rates.

Interstitial Ad

A full-screen ad that appears between content pages, often used on mobile apps.

Utilizing interstitial ads can capture your audience's attention at key moments, increasing the visibility of your offers and driving higher engagement and conversions.