Marketing Techniques

This section details the advanced marketing techniques we reference in affiliate marketing. Are these the only techniques? Probably not, but they are effective and should be in line with your experience in the industry.

Why innovate on strategies that are already effective? We're not. The world of affiliate marketing offers a multitude of techniques, with success often dependent on context and execution.

Our aim is to provide clarity on how MediaScalers utilizes advanced marketing techniques. We're not claiming that our methods are unique, but we want to make sure you, the affiliate, understand and can apply these strategies effectively in your campaigns with us.

Referral Program

A system where affiliates earn rewards for referring new customers, often involving unique referral links or codes, incentivizing you to spread the word.

Implementing referral programs encourages word-of-mouth marketing, which can expand your reach and bring in new customers, increasing your overall conversions and earnings.

Hiding the original affiliate link to make it look cleaner and more user-friendly, potentially increasing click-through rates.

Using link cloaking helps you present your affiliate links in a more user-friendly way, which can increase trust and click-through rates, leading to higher conversions.

Media Buying

Purchasing advertising space on websites or other platforms, allowing you to reach your target audience more effectively.

Engaging in media buying allows you to strategically place your ads where they are most likely to be seen by your target audience, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns and driving more conversions.

Content Curation

Gathering and sharing relevant content with your audience, providing value and keeping them engaged.

Implementing content curation helps you consistently provide valuable information to your audience, keeping them engaged and more likely to respond to your affiliate offers.

Influencer Outreach

Building relationships with influencers to promote your products or services to their audience, leveraging their influence to reach a larger audience.

Engaging in influencer outreach allows you to tap into established audiences, increasing the visibility of your offers and potentially boosting your conversions through trusted endorsements.

Video Marketing

Using videos to promote and market your products or services, engaging viewers and driving conversions.

Utilizing video marketing helps you engage your audience with dynamic content, which can capture attention more effectively and lead to higher conversion rates.

Social Media Marketing

Using social media platforms to promote your products or services, reaching a broad audience and driving engagement.

Leveraging social media marketing helps you reach a large and engaged audience, increasing brand awareness and driving more traffic to your offers, which can lead to higher conversions.

Mobile Marketing

Marketing strategies focused on reaching customers through mobile devices, such as SMS, apps, and mobile-optimized content.

Focusing on mobile marketing ensures that you reach your audience on the devices they use most, improving engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversions from mobile users.


Online seminars used to educate and engage potential customers, often involving presentations and Q&A sessions.

Hosting webinars allows you to educate and engage your audience directly, building trust and providing value, which can lead to higher conversion rates for your offers.


Creating and distributing audio content to engage an audience, often involving interviews and discussions.

Engaging in podcasting helps you reach your audience through a popular and growing medium, building a loyal following and increasing the visibility of your affiliate offers.

Guest Blogging

Writing and publishing articles on other websites to reach a broader audience and build backlinks, improving your SEO.

Engaging in guest blogging helps you reach new audiences and build backlinks to your site, improving your SEO and driving more traffic to your offers.

Affiliate Contest

A competition among affiliates to achieve the best results, often involving prizes and incentives to boost motivation.

Participating in or organizing affiliate contests can motivate you to improve your performance, driving higher conversions and increasing your earnings through friendly competition.

Product Reviews

Writing detailed reviews of products to inform and persuade potential customers, sharing your personal experiences and opinions.

Writing product reviews allows you to provide valuable insights to your audience, building trust and increasing the likelihood that they will purchase through your affiliate links.

Coupon Marketing

Using discount codes and coupons to attract and convert customers, creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers.

Implementing coupon marketing strategies helps you attract price-sensitive customers and create a sense of urgency, which can lead to quicker conversions and higher sales.


Partnering with other businesses to promote each other's products, benefiting from mutual collaboration and expanding your reach.

Engaging in cross-promotion helps you reach a broader audience by leveraging the customer base of a complementary business, increasing your visibility and potential for conversions.